Environmental And Developmental Analysis Of Thalisain Area Of Pauri District (Uttarakhand) Through Its Landuse


  • Tripti Jayal D.D. Chuniyal Environment Management Division, ICFRE, Dehradun, Uttarakhand. Department of Geography, School of earth science, HNBGU, Srinagar, Garhwal, Uttarakhand


Landuse, Topographical sheet, Revenue department, land utilization pattern, Cultivable land, Barren land andForest area.


Each factor plays an important role to influence all types of resource. The sum total of all the conditions and influences that affect the development and life of Organism is known as Environment. It stresses its totality and every living organism, from the lowest to the highest, including human being, has its own environment.Land resource plays a strategic role, determination of man’s economy, social and cultural progress. This can be easily traced in the economic history of mankind. But the land is fixed in supply and with an increase in human and animal population; there is a general scarcity of land resource (Bandooni and Noor Mohammad 2006).Thalisain development block of Pauri district is the area of interest and is extended from 29054’30” to 30010’0” N and 78054’0” to 79013’30” E, measuring 35km in length and 49km in width. The area is completely rural and covers 584sq.km. For the study two types of data were analysied and interpreted which were:Data obtained by Topographical sheet and Satellite Image (Topographical data) and Data obtained by Revenue department (Revenue data). Broadly, the land utilization pattern of the study area has been grouped into three categories: Cultivable land (populated flat land), Barren land (waste land) and Forest area. The present study analysis quantitative part of the Landuse in relation to Absolute relief, Relative relief, Dissection Index and Slope. These Geomorphic attributes play a very dynamic and significant role in influencing the landuse in the Himalayan valley.



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