Outsourcing of Library Services in Amravati City: A Case Study


  • Mr. Anup Das Professional Trainee, Department of Central Library, IIT Kharagpur, West Bengal, India


Outsourcing, Multisourcing, BPO, KPO, Preservation, Library automation, Database Management, Classification, Cataloguing, Indexing


This paper tried to show a clear picture about the academic at Amravati city. Outsourcing is seen as a tool that helps libraries complete the tasks necessary to process new materials without directly adding new personnel. It is helpful to provide better and sufficient service to users. Library professionals need not panic about the loss of job when outsourcing in library function. But truth is they get more job opportunity in library outsourcing filed but they must improve communication skills and updated knowledge of ICT application in Library field. In general, there is no evidence that outsourcing has had a negative impact on library services and management. Outsourcing has been an effective managerial tool, and when used carefully and judiciously it has resulted in enhanced library services and improved library management. Instances where problems have arisen subsequent to decisions to outsource aspects of library operations and functions appear to be attributable to inadequate planning, poor contracting processes, or ineffective management of contracts.


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