Employees Perception Of Job Satisfaction In Kashmir Division: A Study Of Hdfc Bank.


  • Dr. Suhaila Sikeen Khan EMPLOYEES PERCEPTION OF JOB SATISFACTION IN KASHMIR DIVISION: A STUDY OF HDFC BANK. Faculty in the Department of commerce, Islamia College of Science and Commerce, Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir, India, 190011.


Job Satisfaction, Dimensions of Job Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction, HDFC Bank and Kashmir division


The success of any organization depends on its human resource, machinery, and organizational environment and so on. Banks are no exception to this. A satisfied, happy and hard working employee is the biggest resource of any organization. Organisations have significant effects on the people who work for them and some of these effects are reflected in how people feel about their work (Spector, 1997).  This makes job satisfaction an important issue for both employees and employers. Since, studies suggest that satisfied employees are less likely to remain absent, less likely to leave, higher productivity, higher profits and higher shareholders value. In view of this widespread belief an attempts has been made in the present study to evaluate the job satisfaction level of employees in HDFC bank in Kashmir division and also to analysis that which dimension of job satisfaction are mostly contributing towards higher satisfaction levels. Based on the data gathered from two hundred respondents, the results showed that employees are satisfied with their jobs in the said bank as is revealed from the mean value. Further, with the help of regression it is concluded that pay and fringe benefit dimension (.203) are highly contributing towards overall job satisfaction level followed by performance appraisal dimension (.194) and supervision dimensions (.182). This paper presents a comprehensive diagnosis of job satisfaction indices of HDFC bank and the factors causing the dissatisfaction and provides suggestions to improve them.



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