
  • Aparna Soni Dept. of Electrical Engineering ,Jabalpur Engineering College Jabalpur, (M.P) India


Wavelet transform, discrete wavelet transform, signal de-noising, transmission line faults


Power system fault location and identification of the different faults on a transmission lines for quick & reliable operation of protection scheme. Fault location estimation is very important issue in power system in order to clear faults quickly & restore power supply but the location of fault can be analyzed only with wavelet transform. Wavelet transform, which is very fast and sensitive to noise, is used to extract transients in the line currents for fault detection. The de-noising process rejects noise by thresholding in the wavelet domain and also improves the quality of the signal. Three wavelet functions ("db", "coif" and "sym") and three different thresholding methods are “Rigsure”, “Sqtwolog” and “Minimax” used to de-noise the noise signal. Thresholding rule for three different performance measures were considered to select the appropriate wavelet function to efficient noise removal methods such as, signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), mean square error (MSE), and smoothing ratio, it can be a good way to evaluate the equality of wavelet threshold de-noising. The results show that the wavelet transform can achieve excellent results in signal de-noising; de-noised signal using soft-threshold method is smoother and Soft-threshold method is more suitable.
At the end, I used the classification of wavelet threshold analysis for signal decomposition to monitor some of the faults (e.g. L-G Fault, LL-G Fault, and LLL-G Fault,) in the transmission system. MATLAB simulation results are presented showing the selection of proper threshold value for fault detection also applied the wavelet Toolbox for use with MATLAB for find out the location of the fault.
Keyword: Wavelet transform, discrete wavelet transform, signal de-noising, transmission line faults


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