Comparative Study On Body Mass Index Of Selected District High School Kabaddi Players Of Karnataka State


  • Mr. Chidanand Prabhuling Dr. N.G. Kannur Sports Instructor, Central University of Karnataka, Gulbaraga. Chairman, P.G in Physical Education, University College of Physical Education, Gulbarga University, Gulbarga.


Fundamental, Reliability, Methodological


In athletes, body composition measures are widely used to prescribe desirable body weights, to optimize competitive performance, and to assess the effects of training (Sinning, 1996). It is generally accepted that a lower relative body fat is desirable for successful competition in most of the sports. This is because additional body fat adds to the weight of the body without contributing to its force production or energy producing capabilities, which means a decrease in relative strength. It is obvious that an increased fat weight will be detrimental in sporting activities where the body is moved against gravity (e.g. high jump, pole vault, volleyball spiking action) or propelled horizontally (e.g. running).

It is generally accepted that a lower relative body fat is desirable for successful competition in most of the sports. This is because additional body fat adds to the weight of the body without contributing to its force production or energy producing capabilities, which means a decrease in relative strength. It is obvious that an increased fat weight will be detrimental in sporting activities where the body is moved against gravity (e.g. high jump, pole vault, volleyball spiking action) or propelled horizontally (e.g. running). Physical characteristics and body composition have been known to be fundamental to excellence in athletic performance (Mathur & Salokun, 1985). 


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