Growth Trends And Status Evaluation Of Horticultural Crops In India


  • Arvind Singh Yadav Prof. D. C. Pandey Research Scholar, Dept. of Geography, Kumaun University, Nainital. Email: Mobil No.: 07860888249 Professor, Dept. of Geography, Kumaun University, Nainital


Agro-Climatic, Crop Diversification, Environmental Regeneration, Food Security, Horticultural Status.


Horticulture is a global phenomenon and practiced all over the world in diverse agro-climatic conditions. The country is facing an acute problem of population explosion. Food security and malnutrition are major constraints and crisis to the humanity. The Indian population is growing in leaps and bounds and its food security and nutritional requirements may suffer in near future. Problems of rapid soil erosion, decreasing productivity of food crops, forest degradation, increasing barren land, the small size of land holdings, unchecked and un-sustainable land practices, etc. are increasing enormously. Horticultural exports are very less as compared to other agricultural crops in spite of having a healthy share in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and also fetch more returns comparatively. In spite of continuous increase in area and production of horticultural crops (i.e. From the year 2001-02 to 2012-13; total horticultural area increased from 16,593 thousand hectares to 23,694 thousand hectares and total production from 1,45,784 thousand metric tonnes to 2,68,848 thousand metric tonnes, respectively) , while the percentage growth of the area and production is not continuous. The Co-efficient of Correlation between the cultivated area and production is 0.963 which shows a high degree of positive relation between them. It suggests that the area under horticultural crops should be increased by increasing use of horticultural tools and technology, proper application of fertilizers, manures and irrigational facilities, reclamation of culturable waste, uncultivable and barren land under horticultural crops and practicing productivity efficient, disease resistant varieties of crops etc., to attain a good production.

This paper aims to observe and evaluate the Indian horticultural status and growth trends of area, production and productivity. Thus, on the basis of the outcomes; future plans for horticultural development may be formulated accordingly, which may also prove to be a boon for agricultural scenario and crop diversification in the country.

Besides all these, horticulture is more nearer to ecology and much environment friendly and positively helps in environmental regeneration.



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