Standardization of Measurement Process duringGas Fluidization of Solids in Stationary LiquidUsing Gauge Repeatability and ReproducibilityMethodology


  • S. Kumar A. Arora, H. Chandra,


Gauge repeatability and reproducibility, fluidization, stationary liquid


After the considerable work done in the field of two phase gas solid fluidization, researchers’ area of interest changed towards the three phase gas, liquid solid fluidization. Numerous works are now available in the field of three phase gas solid liquid fluidization also. However, gas fluidization of solids in the stationary liquid, which has potential application in the field of mineral washing and nuclear engineering etcetera, is still untouched by the researchers.  Due to this reason, in the present work air is taken as gas medium for fluidization and peanut is taken as solid. For the purpose of experimentation an experimental set-up has been fabricated and an attempt has been made to standardize the experimental set-up and the process of experimentation by applying the gauge repeatability and reproducibility theory.

The fluidization is done in fluidizing column where the stationary pool of liquid taken as water is present. The air flow rate is measured by the air rotameter. For different air flowrates column pressure drop, expanded solid height due to fluidization and bubbling liquid height have been measured across the fluidized bed.



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