Effect Of Reward Management On Employee Performance In Corporate Sector- A Review


  • Mahender Pal Shabnam Saxsena *Research Scholar, Haryana School of Business, Guru Jambeshwar University of Science & Technology Hisar ^Professor, Haryana School of Business, Guru Jambeshwar University of Science and Technology, Hisar


Employee Reward, Performance, Pay, Promotion, Recognition


Reward management is a combination of both financial as well as non financial rewards which  have become very much essential from  organizations as well as from employees point of view  nowadays as each and every employee in today’s era of business is very much vigilant to  think for as well to  fulfill the said need. In the  modern business world, the employer are also very much aware on the issue and initiate necessary steps to meet the requirement of the employees to set up various  provisions from time to time for obtaining their  goals as well as for safe guarding the interest  of the employees.

In the quest of above, the researcher reviewed the literature with the objective to find the effect reward on employees  performance in different organizations as well as scope of further research in the area of employee rewards management practices. For the purpose of the study, various studies conducted on the topic in different countries/geographical areas   have been reviewed to find out the effect of certain   variables relating to Extrinsic Rewards, Intrinsic Rewards and Performance such as Pay, promotion, recognition and Working Conditions etc.  After analyzing the same, it has been found   that  there is a effect of reward management on the performance of employees. Many studies on the topic have been conducted in the abroad. In India, limited studies  have been conducted on the topic. Hence there is a scope  for  further research in the area of employees reward management as no study has been found to measure effect of  the employees rewards management on employees performance  in public sector and private sector  in India. 



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