Role of biological factors in child under nutrition


  • Dr. Manohar Bhatia Dr. Ginisha Gupta Dr. Ranjana Tiwari Designation: Deptt. Of PSM/Community Medicine, G. R. Medical College, Gwalior Designation: Professor, Deptt. Of PSM/Community Medicine, G. R. Medical College, Gwalior


Biological factors, Undernutrition, Complementary feeding, Energy dense food


Mild to moderate under nutrition accounts for three quarters of child deaths due to undernutrition and therefore accounts for a greater global burden of disease than severe under nutrition. The biological causes of undernutrition that have long been debated include low birth weight, maternal undernutrition, inadequate infant and child feeding practices etc. The aim of this study was to assess the role of biological factors in causation of undernutrition and the effectiveness of suggested solutions


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