The Scarborough Shoal Dispute And The United States-Philippines Relations.


  • Ms. Premesha Saha Institutional Affiliation: PhD. Scholar at the Centre for Indo-Pacific Studies, School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi-110067, India.


China, Philippines, the United States, South China Sea Dispute, Scarborough Shoal Dispute, Mutual Defence Treaty, Asia Pivot policy


The 2012 China-Philippines standoff in the Scarborough shoal has become a major security concern for the Philippines and by extension China has emerged as the chief security challenge. At present the Scarborough shoal dispute may not appear as complex or serious as the South China Sea dispute, which involves more number of claimants and even after the drawing of Code of Conduct by the parties in 2002 the dispute has still not resolved, but still this dispute has also attracted a lot of attention globally.  It was for the first time that the ASEAN failed to come up with a joint communiqué at the end of the Foreign Ministers Meeting in Phnom Penh. This dispute is just not confined between the two claimants, the Philippines and China, but the United States is also using this dispute as a platform to stage its comeback in the Asia- Pacific region. This dispute has emerged as mutually convenient for the Philippines and the United States to strengthen their bilateral security relationship.



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