Yoga: Is It An Influential Factor In Stress Management


  • Dr. Archana sharma


Keywords, Asana, Pranayama, Meditation and Stress.


Stress is the body’s automatic response to any physical or mental demand placed on it. It is subjective and unpleasant felling of distress. Every one of us irrespective of our age, sex, education, occupation, socio-economic status, whether live in rural or urban area face stress.Stress effect body, mind, behavior in many ways and everyone experiences stress differently. It adversely effect a wide range of health condition and yoga is the most comprehensive approach to fighting stress. When the stress reaction is prolonged, however, the normal physical functions that have in response either been exaggerated or shut down become dysfunctional. Many have noted the benefits of exercise in diminishing the stress response, and a host of studies points to these benefits. Yoga, too, has been recommended and studied in relationship to sffess, although the studies are less scientifically replicable. Nonetheless, several researchers claim highly beneficial results from Yoga practice in alleviating stress and its effects. The practices recommended range from intense to moderate to relaxed asana sequences, along with pranayama and meditation. In all these approaches to dealing with stress, one common element stands out: The process is as important as the activity undertaken. Because it fosters self-awareness, Yoga is a promising approach for dealing with the stress response.


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