Practice Of Democracy In Post Apartheid South Africa


  • Dr. Sushant kumar Kanungo


Concentrated, Numerical, Trappings.


 Thus the purpose of the NCOP is to provide “a national forum for public consideration of issues affecting the provinces” (Taljaard and Venter 1998). When the National Assembly passes a bill, it goes to the NCOP, which can then pass the bill, pass it subject to amendments, or reject it; in the latter cases, it goes back to the National Assembly for reconsideration (Taljaard and Venter 1998).




Although in official discourse the term black has come to encompass all nonwhites much of the contemporary research including polling data, continues to utilize die traditional classifications. While we acknowledge their arbitrariness, we nonetheless employ the narrower, more common understanding of black in this chapter (unless otherwise specified).

As late as 1989, more than 40 percent of Afrikaners said that they would physically resist an ANC-led government (Giliomee 1997, 114).

Several other parties from both the right and left walked out of the negotiations most prominently the IFP which had only agreed to participate in the elections several weeks before they were held.

A total of 13,546 deaths, or more than 3,000 per year, resulted from political violence in the four-year period 1990 through 1993 (du Toit 2001,41).

Although these elements are typically components of electoral rather than constitutional law, it is worth noting that these are issues of major contention, especially since the 1999 election.

One of the long-standing white extremist, right-wing political parties, the Freedom Front (recently referred to as FF÷), dropped the desire for pa independent Afrikaner state from its manifesto in the 2009 elections, though it continues to advocate the devolution of power to independent communities and even the potential redrawing of the South African map.

The interim constitution aim established twelve official languages, which was at very least, an acknowledgement of cultural pluralism.

Compare Chapter 6, Section 146, of the 1996 constitution to Chapter 90, Section 126, of the 1993 constitution in which legislative competence of provincial assemblies was considerably less cir6imacrlbed. The 1993 constitution (Chapter 11A) also contained provisions for the consideration of a volkstaat, a proposition that was rejected by 1996.

The party was fifteen seats short following the 1994 election, but just one seat short after the 1999 election.






