Politics And Media Social Media In The Indian Context: -New Flavor Of The Season


  • Keshav Patel


Social Media, Indian Politics.


:    In the fast changing world media too has evolved especially in the last five years and technology undoubtedly has been the driving force that is influencing people’s live manifold. Gone are the days when Doordarshan and Radio along with print were the only source of information for the people of India. Internet boom has perpetually changed the media scenario as well as the political landscape. With the advent of Facebook that has been  capturing  the imagination of the net savvy since its inception has lately been receiving stiff competition from Twitter, WhatsApp and Blogs to name the few. Therefore, needless to say that Indian political class  in order to ensure wider reach and  simultaneously to keep a tab on the technology driven nation has to go through metamorphosis and hence, no surprise that social media is increasingly becoming the most preferred platform for the Indian politicians to establish unswerving communication with the mango people. Top guns of BJP like Sushma Swaraj and Narendra Modi are the leading torches whose comments on Twitter and Facebook Create ripples and Kapil Sibbal and Shashi Tharoor of INC are also not lagging behind in terms of followers online. Consequently, other regional party leaders have also joined the social media bandwagon. According to the latest estimates the active Internet users in India has already touched 205 million mark; a substantial 40 percent increase from the corresponding year. According to another study, by the end of 2014, Internet user’s base in India will reach 243 million marks. Interestingly, in terms of user base rural pockets outshined the Internet users in the urban pockets. The aforesaid figures paint a very rosy picture that people of India are increasingly becoming net junkies and hence, no wonder that why Indian political class is going the Internet route. Unarguably, Print media dominated the Indian political scenario for the longest time but with satellite channels making their foray into the entertainment scene the state of affairs changed and of late social media has been fast becoming the flavor of the season. Indian Politicians who for the longest time were reluctant to adapt to the changes finally succumbed to the changing times to stay relevant in the mainstream politics and moreover to garner votes and trust of the voters who plausibly want to strike direct channel of communication before casting their votes.

BJP and INC and other national parties acknowledging the potential of the media in reaching out to the youngsters who without commotion is the future of the country have been leaving no stone unturned to grab the attention of the tech savvy voters and therefore, have dedicated teams of technocrats, strategists and content developers who work 24X7 online to keep their respective parties ahead in the game. In the light of the fact, it’s not hyperbole to say that in coming years also social media would unequivocally rule the roost.



