A Hybrid Image Fusion Technique For Grayscale Images


  • RISHIKANT PATEL Jai Karan Singh


Image Fusion, Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT), Peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR), Normalized cross correlation (NCC). 1. INTRODUCTION


Image Fusion is a technique that integrates complementary information from multiple images such that the new images are more suitable for processing tasks. The Proposed image fusion technique includes following steps: first, discrete wavelet transform is applied to obtain the wavelet coefficients of the source images. The coefficients are processed with different fusion rules like maximum pixel, average pixel and region based masking and addition selection rule to get the primary fused image, which is again processed with the region based fusion rules to get the secondary fused image. The primary and secondary images are processed again with most efficient fusion rule Principal Component Analysis to get the final fused image. The performance of the proposed image fusion scheme is evaluated with peak to signal noise ratio (PSNR), Normalized cross correlation (NCC) and entropy (EN).


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