Antioxidant Activity, Total Phenolic Compound And Flavonoid Content Of Vaccum Dreid Extract Of L. Siceraria


  • Supriya Agrawal, Charu Katare, GBKS Prasad Department of Food & Nutrition, Govt. K.R.G.PG Autonomous College, Gwalior, MP 474001, India School of Studies in Biochemistry, Jiwaji University, Gwalior, MP 474001, India


Bottle Gourd, L. siceraria, DPPH, Phenolic content, Flavonoid.


Bottle gourd (L. siceraria) juice was extracted and dried through vacuum distillation to obtain dry mass, followed by freeze drying to get semisolid mass (BGJP) for the purpose of qualitative and quantitative phytochemical analysis. Whole Bottle gourd powder (WBGP) and pulp powder (PP) remaining after juice extraction were also analyzed. Antioxidant activity was assessed by 1-1, diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl radical (DPPH) reducing capacity which showed Ic50 value of 31.0±0.2 mg/ml in Whole bottle gourd powder (WBGP). The Ic50 value for ascorbic acid was 27.83±0.4 mg/ml. Total phenolic content was assessed by Folin - ciocaltcau method which showed presence of antioxidant activity in all the samples. WBGP was found to contain highest amount whereas L. siceraria pulp powder (PP) showed lowest presence of total phenolic content. Total flavonoid content was assessed by applying method given by Ordon although method given by Kumaran and Karunakaran was employed for the analysis of total flavonols showed the highest level of flavonoids (440mg/g) and flavonols (10.092mg/g) in WBGP, which is the indicator of presence of antioxidant compounds in Bottle gourd and its byproducts which are reported to be beneficial for health specially to combat metabolic stress.


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