
  • Nitin Nagar Assistant Professor, IIPS, DAVV, Indore


computing, Deployment


Cloud computing is one of the important research aspects of distributed computing in the emergence of information technology. Cloud computing refers to services, applications, and data storage delivered online through powerful file servers. Deployment of cloud computing depends on whether the cloud is a private, community, public, or hybrid one. Private clouds are operated for a particular organization, whereas community clouds are mutual by a number of organizations. Public clouds are available to the common public or large groups of Industries, while hybrid clouds combine public and private elements in the same data center. The proposed work focuses on a solution to the threats that are the major issues in the cloud adoption.


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Nitin Nagar and Ugrasen Suman, "Architectural Comparison and Implementation of Cloud Tools and Technologies," in 4th International Conference on Electronics Computer Technology (ICECT 2012), KanyaKumari,INDIA, 2012, pp. 581-585.





