
  • Dr. Umakant Gajbir Asst. Professor, Department Of Law, RDU Jabalpur MP


Human rights in India is an issue complicated by the country's large size, its tremendous diversity, its status as a developing country and a sovereign, secular, democratic republic. The Constitution of India provides for Fundamental rights, which include freedom of religion. Clauses also provide for freedom of speech, as well as separation of executive and judiciary and freedom of movement within the country and abroad.

In its report on human rights in India during 2013, released in 2014, Human Rights Watch stated, "India took positive steps in strengthening laws protecting women and children, and, in several important cases, prosecuting state security forces for extrajudicial killings." The report also condemned the persistent impunity for abuse linked to insurgency in Maoist areas, Jammu and Kashmir, Manipur and Assam. The report also went on to state, "The fact that the government responded to public outrage confirms India’s claims of a vibrant civil society. An independent judiciary and free media also acted as checks on abusive practices. However, reluctance to hold public officials to account for abuses or dereliction of duty continued to foster a culture of corruption and impunity".

On a global level, India opts for a policy of "non-interference in internal affairs of other countries". However India is engaged in promoting stability and human rights in Afghanistan, pledging nearly US$2 billion for the country’s rehabilitation and reconstruction efforts, supporting education of girls, providing some police training, and granting asylum to a number of activists fleeing Taliban threats.


World Report 2014 (PDF). Human Rights Watch. 2014. pp. 334–341.

•"India: Repeal the Armed Forces Special Powers Act, Law Provides Impunity for Human Rights Abuses, Fuels Cycles of Violence", Human Rights Watch, 21 November 2007

•"India: The Jammu and Kashmir Public Safety Act- a threat to human rights", AI Index ASA 20/019/2000, Amnesty International, 15 May 2000

•"Jammu and Kashmir Public Safety Act, 1978 (Act No. 6 of 1978)", Refworld, High Commissioner for Refugees, United Nations

•Right to Food Campaign

•National Campaign for People's Right to Information (NCPRI)

•Police Reforms ordered by Supreme Court[dead link]

•Mitta, Manoj; Singh, Smriti (3 July 2009). "India decriminalises gay sex". The Times of India.

•"Hundreds die of torture in India every year - report". Reuters. 25 June 2008.

•Malik, Saurabh. "Torture main reason of death in police custody". The Tribune. Archived from the original on 31 March 2009. Retrieved 15 May 2011.

•Custodial deaths in West Bengal and India's refusal to ratify the Convention against TortureAsian Human Rights Commission 26 February 2004

•Punjab in Crisis: Human Rights in India (PDF). Human Rights Watch. 1990.





