Termites and microbial biological control strategies


  • Muhammad Qasim, Yongwen Lin, Dalin Fang,


Termitesare very devastating insect pests of agricultural, ornamental crops and dry wood.They are social
insect having strong inter-communication, due to which they are very active pests,withboth positive and
negative effects on the environment. They are found in every type of soil in the world,and have a broad range
of species. Management of termites has been approached with a number of different stretigies, especially
chemical pesticides, which have otherenvironmental site impacts. Microbial biological control is defined as
the use, and proper adjustment, of natural enemies via microbial organisms, such as; fungi, virus, bacteria,
and with the aim of suppression and management of insect populations. A broad range of species, from
different groups of microbial organisms, have strong association with termites, and some have been recorded
as parasites. Somespecies are currently used as commercial biological control agents of termites.


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