Intuition and Strategic Decision Making – a study of health care sector in Uttarakhand, India


  • Prof. S.P. Singh* Himani Singhal


Purpose- Intuition is a way of knowing without conscious reasoning. Rational thinking allows
the person to take decision on the basis of certain data and calculations. There are occasions
where rational thinking does not suffice for decision making. Top level executives rely on their
intuition to solve complex problems where rationality cannot help.
Design/ Methodology/ Approach- This research paper employ ex post facto research design.
Questionnaire has been used to collect data from the doctors.
Findings- Results revealed that, there was a significant association between intuition and
intuitive strategic decision making.
Originality Value- Two traditional theories in decision making includes analytical and intuitive
decision making. Though intuition is used in decision making and could be of importance for
the whole decision making process, there is not much field research performed on this subject.
This present paper strives to empirically test the impact of intuition in strategic decision making.


Agor, W.H., (1986), ―The logic of

intuition: how top executives make

important decisions‖, Organizational

Dynamics, vol.14,p.5-18.

 Barnard, C.I.,(1938), ―The

Functions of the Executive‖, Harvard

University Press.

 Cooper, R. and Sawaf, A. (1997),

―Executive EQ : Emotional

Intelligence in Business‖, Orion

Business Books.

Limit “Low” “Moderate”



Average-1S.D 124 Average+1 S.D 148 Maximum Score 170




Minimun Score 22

Upper Limit of


Upper Limit of




Average-1S.D 62 Average+1 S.D 80 Maximum Score 110
