Human Rights and Education in Indian Perspective, Especially Rajasthan


  • Babu Lal Meena


The belief that everyone, by virtue of her
or his humanity, is entitled to certain
human rights is 1fairly new. however, lie
in earlier tradition and documents of
many cultures. It took the catalyst of
World War II to propel human rights onto
the global stage and into the global


indicates a primary


Commission on Human Rights

(2007), 12 Years of Human Rights

Advocacy: 1998 Annual

Evaluation Approaches and

Methodologies. Report of

Proceedings. Montreal: Equitas,

Flagg, B. N. (1990), Formative

Evaluation for Educational

Technologies. Hillsdale, New Jersey:

Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,


Government of Indian (2004),

Human Rights Report (2004), by

Asian Centre of Human Rights,

New Delhi.

Government of Indian (2005),

Human Rights Report (2005), by

Asian Centre of Human Rights,

New Delhi.

Government of Rajasthan (2002),

State Human Rights Commission

Report, Jaipur.

Government of Rajasthan (2003),

State Human Rights Commission

Report, Jaipur.
