Analysis of Factors Affecting Consumer Behaviour towards Purchase of Products from Organized Retail Stores in Chhattisgarh, using Inductive Modelling


  • Jay Kumar Dewangan Dr. J.H.Vyas and Imran Nadeem Siddiqui


The research work focus on deciphering consumer behaviour towards purchase of products
from organized retail stores in Chhattisgarh using inductive modelling approach. The
research is important and unique in nature as Chhattisgarh, which is matured market for retail
business in unorganized sectors, has been recently exposed to the organized retailing thus
consumer behaviour towards organized retailing activities is yet to be deciphered. The
knowledge of consumer behaviour of such customers is necessary for the companies
searching for hot markets. Consumers belonging to developing markets or to those market
that have reached to a level of saturation will certainly possess different consumer
characteristics and hence will show diversified consumer behaviour when compared to the
behaviour exhibited by the consumers present in the State. The research takes into account
the four factors i.e. attitude, learning, perception and motive along with spatial position of
store as the factors affecting consumer behaviour. This approach allow us to commence the
study by developing an initial model using inductive approach capable of explaining the
variable under consideration i.e. consumer behaviour. The factor analysis using Principal
Component analysis(PCA) carried out on the questionnaire developed using this inductive
model as base revealed that there are more factors than assumed and hence amendments in
the model was needed to be carried out. Attitude, buyer compulsiveness, store experience and
perception of buying were found to be the factors that are most influential one. The details of
the research are presented in detail in the study.


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