
  • Mudiyanse R. M, Pallegama R, Jayalath T Dharmaratne S Department of Paediatrics Faculty of Medicine, Peradeniya. Department of Physiology Faculty of Dental science, Peradeniya. Department of Medicine Faculty of Medicine, Peradeniya. Medical Education Unit, Faculty of Medicine, Peradeniya


Patient centred attitudes, Medical students, Curricular influence on attitudes, Caring attitudes, sharing attitudes.


Background: The value of patient centred approaches as oppose to traditional doctor centred approaches in delivery of patient care has been increasingly recognized. Positive as well as negative impact of the curriculum on students’ patient centred attitudes has been reported. There is evidence to suggest that the curriculum could be designed to enhance patient centred attitudes. Therefore comparison of patient centeredness among 1st, 3rd and 5th yearmedical students was considered as a valuable exercise.

Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted on 543 native Sinhala speaking students of the 1st, 3rd and the 5th year batches of the Faculty of Medicine, Peradeniya. Validated Sinhala version of Patient Practitioner Orientation Scale (PPOS) was used to assess the patient centeredness of students in two dimensions: sharing and caring. Data were analysed using SPSS.

Results – Factorial Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) revealed that female students scoresignificantly higher than male students on both sharing and caring (P<0.01). Senior students recordedsignificantly higher scores than juniors (P<0.001). Analysis using one sample t-test revealed that the average total PPOS score of our sample is significantly lower than that of students in Brazil2 (P=0.001) and significantly higher than that of students in Nepal3 (P=0.001).

Discussion –PPOS score was higher among senior students and the deference was more marked among the males than females. Lower PPOS among 1st year students may reflect the attitudes of the society. Our students are more patient centred compared to doctors in Nepal,but less so compared to students in Brazil.

Conclusions – Patient centeredness among our students is comparable with students in other countries. Females had higher PPOS score. The curriculum seems to have a positive impact on students’ patient cantered attitudes, which seems more pronounced on males. This cross sectional study needs confirmation by longitudinal studies. 


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