
  • Ranu Chaturvedi Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy, Rani Durgavati University, Jabalpur-482001(India)





The participation of sulphur cycle has been recognized as very vital for sustaining life processes are as the nitrogen and carbon cycles. Electron transfer reactions plays an important role in sulphur cycle and are means for the investigation of both, the intrinsic reactivity of organometallic systems and the electronic compatibility of different chemical matrices involved in the living systems. It is reported that coenzyme – Q along with phenazines and cytochromes participate in the oxidation of sulphydryl compounds in mitochondrial electron transfer reactions. In this series of studies, on redox reactions, another oxidant 2, 6 –dichlorophenolindophenol, a model for coenzyme Q has been used. Kinetic investigations have reported the change in order from negative, fractional to positive. These systems have exceptional behavior in acidic medium. These findings highlight the complex dependence of such systems on concentration of H+ ions. This may be due to the presence of intermediate during the course of reaction.


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Chaturvedi , R. communicated (2015


