Host-country Headquarters of U.S. Firms in China: An Empirical Study


  • Yigang Pan, Lefa Teng, Mingyang Yu, Xion


Recent studies show that large multinational enterprises (MNEs) adopt an organizational unit, called host-country headquarters (HCHQ), in key foreign countries (Ma and Delios, 2010; Ma, Delios and Lau, 2013). In this study, we examine the factors that are associated with the establishment of an HCHQ by US firms in China. We hypothesize that an HCHQ is associated with both firm-specific factors and host country-specific factors. We find that an HCHQ is associated with the firm's scope diversification and degree of internationalization, and the strategic importance of foreign host country and subsidiary diversification in that host country. The findings are based on archival data of U.S. Fortune 500 firms. The findings add to the understanding of an important organizational structure of large U.S. firms in China, and possibly to MNE structures more widely in key foreign countries.