
  • Hameedullah Nabeela Qadir Abdullah



There are many cellular network technologies exist in the world like(1G, 2G, 3G, 4G, LTE, WiMAX, GSM, CDMA) etc. and they are implemented in today world. However, with an explosion of wireless mobile devices and services, there are still some challenges that cannot be accommodated even by these technologies, such as the spectrum crises and high energy consumption. Wireless system designers have been facing the continuously increasing demand for high data rates and mobility required by new wireless applications and therefore have started research on fifth generation (5G) wireless systems that are expected to be deployed beyond 2020. The main purpose of 5G is planned to design the best wireless world that is free from limitations of the previous generations. 5G is going to change the way most high bandwidth users access their mobile radio communication. Therefore, this paper presents why there is a need for 5G, advantages, and challenges. Moreover, a comprehensive study related to 5G has been presented.



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