
  • Dr. Manoj Kumar Jain Director, Manjula K Ponda College of Bussiness and Management



The globalization process is significantly affecting the economic and commercial life of nations. Changing economic conditions and intensification of global competition have given management education an increasingly central role in the success of individuals and corporations. Management education has spread in the last fifteen-twenty years in India. Management education, at this juncture, needs a critical examination as only developing talent can take India forward. Global competition is changing the relationship between management education and business. The efforts for building leadership pipelines in organizations have intensified in the last five to six years. Continuous changes in both technology and economic systems, along with the speed of change, require executives to be engaged in a constant learning process. Management education has become a major profession that attracts considerable attention across the world. The purpose of this paper is to engage all concerned in a serious discussion with a view to revamping management education in India as a prelude to better participation and viability in the global economy. This will need a quantum jump in managerial capability in all the economic spheres. It is the joint responsibility of Government, public sector and private firms and educators, to put management education on a new growth trajectory. This paper examines the issues that need to be addressed and a possible direction so that management education can be rejuvenated. Today, an MBA has gained importance due to the emergence of professionalism in corporate sectors. The competitive business environment has paved the way for increased demand for management graduates in the employment market. This has led to a significant expansion of management education across the country. Today, business schools have the challenging task of developing the competency level of students to meet corporate expectations. Given the developments in today’s business environment, preparing our students for their future will require significant change in the curriculum and pedagogy.

In management education, quality has become a necessity & circumstances require total quality management. To make India an intellectual capital of the world we have to rethink about the management education & efforts should be made to create a dynamic environment. In this background, this paper attempts to explore a mechanism to stimulate development of new curricular elements and methods in management education. It also describes the emerging strategy to make teaching methodology in management education more vibrant and in sync with the changes in the business and economic environment. 


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