
  • Ajit Kumar Yadav Junior Research Fellow Dept. Of Geography, Punjab University Chandigarh (India)



The importance and application of demographic studies is ever increasing. No detailed demographic study has been conducted on rural area of Murshidabad district so far. From the demographic point-of-view and density of population in rural area of Murshidabad district is important one. In this present study random sampling method has been applied, with structured schedule, for the survey and some particular components like age-sex composition, sex ratio, fertility, mortality, educational status, occupational composition, worker non-worker, work participation ratio and their correlation are analyzed. And the field survey was conducted during the year 2015-16. The final outcome of this study is the sex ratio is high, crude birth rate is higher than crude death rate and the probable important factor of population growth. In the age–sex ratio the numbers of children are also high and dependency ratio is high and female work participation ratio is lower than male participation ratio. And there are negative relationship between specific demographic component and work force. So there is an urgent need to implement integrated schemes/programmes for overall development of densely populated rural area and betterment of quality of life of rural people. 


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