
  • RAHUL VIJAYVARGIYA JYOTI SHUKLA Dr. RAJESH SAXENA M.P. Council of Science & Technology Bhopal MP India



Aromatic plants were available in varying forms  ranging from thickest bush to food plants with medicinal value.  Altogether 80 aromatic plant species under 35 families were  collected.  Alliums  ascalonicum,  A. hookeri ,  A. sativum  Linn,  A.  tuberous ,  Corundum sativum, Curcuma aromatic c, Elshotiza  blanda, Eryngium foetidum, Foeniculum vulgare,  Hedychium  flavor, Houttuynia cordite, Mentha ardencies, Meriandra  benghalensis,  Osmium canum, Polygonal possum, Susana  sesame  and Zingier officinal were mainly used as vegetables  as well as  medicine. For cultural and offered to God, the species  of Eagle marvelous, Artabotrys hexapetalous,  Eupatorium  birmanicum,  Gardenia jasminoides,  Nyctanthes arbor - trusty,  Panda us foresides, Plectra thus ternifolius  and Plumier rubric were  used .  Artemisia  nil agarics, Citrus  aurantifolia,  Dicrocephala latifolia and Gymea cucumber were employed  mainly for hair lotion. Amongst collected plant species Aquilaria malaccenesis was found critically endangered.  Artabotrys  hexapetalous,  Curcuma caesia, Elshotiza blanda, Osmium  basilicum  and Plectra thus ternifolius  were thinly distributed. Index Terms Aromatic plants


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