
  • RAJIV KUMAR DWIVEDI *Asst Professor, Amity Business School, Amity University, Madhya Pradesh



ABSTRACT The paper intends to explore the growing need of green practices for Hotel industry. With the growing scarcity of water across the globe it becomes very important for Indian Hotel industry to seriously understand the future challenges of water supply & demand and adopt a practical approach towards efficient water management.It has become inevitable for hotel industry to go for water saving practices as it not only adds to the eco friendly approach of the hotel but also makes the operations of the hotel more cost efficient. The water saving can be done efficiently by training the hotel staff, using better technology products, proper maintenance of the equipments and waste water management. The above measures if successfully implemented can significantly reduce the consumption of water and subsequently the waste water and consumption of electricity and can make the Hotels more eco friendly and also can reduce the operational cost of Hotels


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