
  • Mrs. Suparna Karan Research Scholar in Education



The word depression is part of our everyday language, it is important to realize that feeling depressed is not the same thing as having a depressive disorder. Depression is a common psychiatric disorder in old age. Venkaba Rao et.al. 1972) found that people after 50 years affected from depression. Nandi et.al (1975) found that depression is a disease of older age people. Ramachandra also observed that 24% of subjects aged over 50 in the community suffered depressive illness. Under the sensory challenged groups both the vision and hearing challenged also affected from depression. Due to communication barrier and even their invisible disability the hearing loss adult suffered from depression. It is again found that non-challenged are found to be the more stressed group and the hearing challenged have the lowest self-esteem.                     

Both the visually and hearing challenged are better adjusted in their academic set-up and posses equally good social emotional adjustment in schools. (Singhal, 2004). Psychodynamic factor understanding of depression defined by Sigmund Freud and expanded by Karl Abraham is known as the classic view of depression. Cognitive factor according to cognitive theory, depression results from specific cognitive distortions present in persons susceptible to depression. This scheme, which is based solely on aetiology, was introduced mainly for research purposes. The aim was to exclude cases of depression that might be caused by another disorder. This exclusion was attempted by applying the term ‘secondary’ to all cases with a history of previous non-affective psychiatric illness (such as schizo­phrenia or anxiety neurosis) or of alcoholism, medical illnesses, or the taking of certain drugs (such as steroids).


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