
  • Dr.C. Sivakumar Medical Social Worker, JIPMER



Over these years there has been a wider approach on making the common men aware of facts of health, and ongoing activities are focusing on creating a vigil community on health issues. The one popular method or mode of spreading health awareness is Health Education. In this article the author discusses the nature, scope, methods of health education and signifies the need to enhance health education into health promotion. Health Education, as an art and science needs to be adopted systematically to address the challenges ahead in binging out a healthy community and nation. The main purpose of health education is to make the common man aware of various dimensions of health and help to assess one’s own level of well-being.Health education is a comprehensive process and to achieve a successful ending, the planning and execution of health education is very important. Now to enhance it to the next level, health education should focus on health promotion rather limiting at health awareness. The change in the behavior of people to experience good health and to sense it as an important entity of living is what the Health promotion tries to achieve here.


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