Roles and responsibilities of academic counselors in ODL


  • Anita Tanwar Pahadiya Assistant Regional Director IGNOU, Regional centre Jabalpur


Learner support services, Open and distance Learning (ODL), Academic counseling, learner support centres


Academic Counseling is critically important in ODL and a vital component of Student support services. Academic Counselors are apivotal link between university and distance learners, they help breakinglearners state of isolation in ODL by interacting, guiding and advising them. Academic counselors provide all possible academic support to distance learners required by themduring their study. The effectiveness of academic support and services provided by academic counselors ensures accomplishment of the expected goal of learners and the quality of academic services provided by the university.Present study was undertaken to know the roles and responsibilities of Academic counselors in ODL and the level of awareness among them about their roles and responsibilities. The study also reveals the gap between expected and practiced role of academic counselors in ODL.


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