
  • Kaushal Yadav


FBL, Literature, Methodology, Enhanced Learning, Culture, Allied Media



As Frank Smith says, "Language is not a genetic gift, it is a social gift. Learning a new language is becoming a member of the club – the community of speakers of that language." Through this statement he opens the horizons of learning and understanding of multiple languages and multiple cultures. He celebrates the uniqueness of each language over the hierarchy of other being prestigious or superior. Learning one’s mother tongue is a natural phenomenon but when it comes to learning of a second language or a foreign language, it cannot be limited to the learning of the grammar, sentence structure and vocabulary. Language learning must include the social and cultural thought that exists in its native world, without which it cannot be assumed to be complete, as language is not mere words but it carries thought, emotion, feelings, cultural practices, moral values and flora fauna et al. The present study focuses on exploring the importance of literature and allied media (stories, plays, music, folk tales, etc.) in teaching of a foreign business language (FBL) and the methods that can be effective for enhanced learning outcomes.


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