Digital Libraries Challenges for 21st Century: An Overview


  • Mrs. Gayatri Gaur Dr. Arun Modak


Digital Library, Electronic Library, Modern Library, D-space.


The discuses in the paper about the digital libraries challenges for 21st Century: an overview. Its future emerging in the field of digital libraries brings together participants from many existing areas of research. Currently the field lacks a clear agenda independent of these other area. It is tempting for researchers to think that the field of digital libraries is a natural outgrowth of an already known the field. From a database or information retrieval perspective, digital libraries may be seen as a form of federated databases. From a hypertext perspective the field of digital libraries could seem like a particular application of hypertext technology. From a wide-area information perspective services, digital libraries could appear to be one use of the World Wide Web, (WWW). From a library and information science perspective, digital libraries might be seen as continuing a trend toward the library automation. The main focus of digital libraries should be on issues of access, cost and digitization technology and how to develop the necessary infrastructure for effective mass manipulation of the information network..


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