Study of path analysis for seed yield and its associated characters in Indian mustard [Brassica juncea (L) Czern and Coss]


  • Om Prakash Singh, Manish Kumar Prasad V.N. Pathak, Brijesh Singh D.R. Singh, & Nisha Pandey


Indian mustard, Brassica juncea, Correlation coefficient and Path analysis.


In rabi season 2018-19, 22 strains/cultivars including Varuna of Indian mustard were raised in a randomized block design with three replications for the study of correlation coefficient and path analysis regarding yield and its contributing characters. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) exhibited significant among genotypes for all 12 characters. Number of siliquae per plant, biological yield and harvest-index had a significant positive associationship with yield. Contrary, days to flower and siliqua-length exhibited negative correlation coefficient at genotypic level with the yield. Path analysis revealed direct, indirect and residual effects as the causation of associationship among various attributes. The residual effect (R) was estimated 1.086. Biological yield, number of siliquae/plant and harvest index had also positive direct effects for the yield, respectively. Negative correlation coefficients between yield and two characters viz. days to flower and siliqua-length were noted but their direct effects were positive


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