The Depiction Of Women In The Works Of Toni Morrison With reference To Rama Rao & Anita Desai : A Critical Analysis


  • Dr. Ashish Gupta


woman, suppression, marginalization, female psyche


The woman represents the symbol of nurture. She contributes to make progress in the family, society as well as country through her active participation same as the male counterpart. But the woman is suppressed into lower status compared to the male power and position in the society intentionally, even after her great contribution in reality. The evidence can be found in the portrayal of woman in the literatures from the different cultures. Anita Desai’s and Toni Morrison’s novels echo those thought provoking questions with ravenous eyes to discover the real female subject. Both writers exhibit the woman’s situation, emotion and realization which are scrutinized to observe the universality of female psyche.


Desai Anita, Cry , The Peacock (1980), New Delhi : Orient Paperbacks Desai Anita, Voices in the City (1978 ) New Delhi : Orient Paperbacks Desai Anita, Fire in the Mountains (1982), Harmondsworth : Penguine

Desai Anita,Where Shall We Go This Summer? (1982), New Delhi: Orient Paperbacks. Morrison, Toni, The Bluest Eye (1970), New York: Pocket Books.

Morrison, Toni, Song of Solomon(1978), New York : New American Library

Morrison, Toni, Sula, (1975) Beaulieu. 377, A Critical Theme, Afro-American Literature Morrison, Toni, Beloved (2005). London, Vintage Book.

Morrison, Toni., Michigan Quarterly Review 28(1) (1988).




