Characteristics Of Entrepreneurs And Their Effect On Entrepreneurial Profitability


  • Dr.Amit Kumar Gupta


Successful Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial Profitability and Characteristics of Entrepreneurs.


Businesses usually do not encounter interests such as the cost of the commodities although they can struggle and compete with services and the quality of the product, service quality, time management and so on. They can use services to enhance their observed value in the sight of possible and current customers who strive to improve their credentials in the market. Entrepreneurship is a practice that arises with the dynamic formulation of an unusual arrangement. The business may or may not display self-sustaining might not appropriately generate profits although have individuals creatively and innovatively transform imagination, passion into practical ground. There are some key characteristics that deliver any person to continue with progress in any principle of work. The motive of the paper is to comprehensively analyze the characteristics of successful entrepreneurs and their effect on entrepreneurial profitability. The research systematically evaluated by employing secondary resources to conduct smooth analysis and reached a particular conclusion. This study deals with the descriptive analysis of the prominent factors correlated with the effective characteristic that leads to striving for profitable business and thriving business objectives for an entrepreneur.


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