Relationship between Companies Disclosure, Investor Relations Activities and Stock Prices Movements


  • Dr.Amit Kumar Gupta


company disclosure, investor relation, stock price movements, stock market, stock prices, investor relation activities


An investor always wants to get a return from the stock market over the given time period. It often goes hand in hand with stock prices. A market can be strong when it has new information about stock prices and makes stock prices valued accurately and stable. This way, companies’ disclosure provides a clear insight to stakeholders about sustainability in the long term and cuts down on information asymmetry and conflicts between investors and managers. This study is aimed to determine the association between voluntary disclosure of the companies, activities related to investor relations, and stock price movements.  Demand and supply are the only one factor that influence stock price movements. There are several other factors discussed in this article. In addition, we have also discussed how investor relations influence movements in stock prices.


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