
  • Rakesh Kumar Ranjan Dr. Manoj Kumar


Preparation, procedure, elemented analysis electrical conductivity, magnetic moment.


This paper is related to preparation of Cu(II) complexes. This available research paper deal with preparation of Cu(II) Complexes with the ligand 1, 3- bis (O- hydroxy anilino) propane, (LH2) As we know that Cu(II) is the transition metal cations to form the complexes depends upon the following factors :-
1. The transition metal cations are relatively very small in size and hence high positive charge density which makes it easy for the transition metal cations to accept the lone pair of electron donated by the ligand.
2. The transition metal cations have vacant 3d-orbitals which are approxmetely the right type of energy to accept lone pair of electrons from the ligand.
3. The transition metals are capable for several oxidation states.
Transition metal complexes with Schiff bases as ligand have amongst the most widely studies coordination compounds most of the transition metal complexes have been formed with such Schiff bases which contain nitrogen and oxygen donar atoms chemists all over the world have long been studying the co-ordination behaviour of multidentate ligands containing nitrogen, oxygen and sulphar donar ligands, these days, It have been live field of studies due to it’s indivisible relation with human life. Co-ordinattion compounds are well being used in chemotherapy.


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