“Competency Mapping of Bank Employees in Jabalpur Division”


  • Dr. Atul Dubey RichaAgnihotri


Competency, Competency Mapping.


Behavioral attributes, knowledge and skills required at different levels as well as job positions have been identified which are later grouped in assets of competencies. At the heart of any successful activity lies a competence or skill. In the recent years, various thought leaders in business strategy have emphasized the need to identify what competencies a business needs, in order to compete in a specific environment.


 Almatarneh, A. I. A. (2018).An evaluation of the human resource management practices in banks of Jordan.[Doctoral dissertation. University of Mysore].

 Bhushan, M. (2018).A comparative study on effectiveness of training and development of employees in public and private sector banks with special reference to selected banks of Chhattisgarh.[Doctoral dissertation. Kalinga University]

 Dikshit A. (2019). Training and Skill Development for Employee Retention and Performance Enhancement in Banks A Study on Bank Staff Training Colleges STCs. [Doctoral dissertation.Suresh GyanVihar University]

 Kaur, S. (2015). Impact of job satisfaction on employee attrition a comparative analysis of public and private sector banks with special reference to Bank of Baroda and ICICI Bank.[Doctoral dissertation.The IIS University]

 Kothainayaki V. (2018).Competency Mapping of Employees in Selected Private Sector Banks in Chennai City.[Doctoral dissertation. Mother Teresa Womens University]

 Morton C. M. (2000).Knowledge and skills required for college union executive directors at research and doctoral I universities in the next decade.

 Nair, V. V.(2015).Behavioural Competency Management with special reference to Commercial Banks headquartered in Kerala. [Doctoral dissertation.Cochin University of Science and Technology]

 Niphatpone S. (2013). Effectiveness of competency mapping as tool for assessment centres with special reference to telecommunication industry Bangalore. [Doctoral dissertation. Bangalore University]

 Rathod, T. (2015). Employees competency mapping in private sector banks a study with special reference to private sector banks in hyderabadkarnataka region. [Doctoral dissertation. Gulbarga University]


