
  • Dr.Preeti Tripathi


HRM Measures, HRM practices post-COVID-19, HRM practices pre COVID- 19.


Human Resources Management is an important element to the success and progress of any organization, the uniqueness of HRM practices is considered as a possible competitive tool and the central value of the company. Human Resources are the lifeline of any organization and need to be handled with the utmost care and dignity all the time especially during this crisis of COVID-19. In this research, an attempt was made to study the Human Resource Measures during & Post COVID-19. It?s amazing that before this crisis; fewer than 50% of companies even had a remote work program. Banks, regulated industries, and many financial services companies did not let employees work from home. Today companies are rushing to build remote work strategies. This paper will highlight the views of an Organization, Employee and HR Professionals during Pandemic.


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