
  • Dr. Richa Gupta


Poverty in India, Poverty and Indian Economy, effect of poverty in Indian Economy.


Poverty is a social phenomenon and the condition in which people are unable to sustain their life and vulnerable to fulfill their basic necessities. The analysis explained the intensity of poverty specifically focusing on the Indian grounds covering the international statistical index like global poverty index, disparity in rural- urban poverty, below poverty line index among others. Objective - The objective of the study is to comprehensively explore all the prominent parameters that play a crucial role in determining poverty and its adverse effect on the Indian economy. Methodology - The Secondary methodology is used that is based on existing resources to comprehensively explore the research topic, to enhance the knowledge and try to illustrate all the key and prominent points effectively. For secondary data collection, studies obtain information from governmental resources (Planning Commision, NITI aayog), and world bank data. Results - The paper shows that shifting the workforce from agriculture to the industrial industry and service sector as the GDP contribution of these sectors elevated. In contrast, the contribution of agriculture to GDP declined severely. The secondary and tertiary industries correlate with better infrastructure, health, and adequate education. These act as an improving element that uplifts the poor by nurturing their financial condition and providing better livelihood opportunities.


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