
  • Kalpnath Saroj
  • Dr. Anu G. S.


Management, Experience, Constructivist Learning.


Construction of knowledge is a process of constructivist learning, where learners actively
construct their own new knowledge on the bases of prior experiences and understanding.
Constructivism is not a theory about teaching, it is a theory about knowledge and learning .The
teachers and learners should interact with each other and interpret and construct the hidden
knowledge by inquiry-based learning, problem-based learning, co-operative learning, collaborative
learning, and cognitive apprenticeship pedagogical model. The present study is an attempt to
explore the usage of constructivist learning pedagogy by school teachers of kangra district of
Himachal Pradesh. The method used for study was descriptive research method in which survey
was the technique employed. The sampling technique used for the study was purposive sampling
technique which comes under the non-probability sampling. The total sample of the study includes
26 school teachers in primary and secondary schools of Kangra district of Himachal Pradesh.
The tool used for the study consists of a set of questions which explore the deferent aspect of
teaching and learning based on the concept of constructivist pedagogy. The items of the questions
were validated to ensure the construct and face validities. The collected data were analyzed using the
online software to find out the t-value and accordingly derived valid conclusion.
Findings of the study revealed that regarding the usage of constructivist learning pedagogy teachers
of the Kangra district of Himachal Pradesh, most of them are using constructivist learning
pedagogy in their day tom day classroom discourse. It was also found that there is no significant
difference exists in the usage of constructivist learning pedagogy with respect to their gender,
management, and experience. The findings of the study reflect that the constructivist pedagogy
employed in school education will help them to engage their teaching according to the nature of
the constructivism which will bring forth great fruits into the visionary goals of school education
including bridging teaching and research with extension.


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