Taxonomic Studies and Diversity of Freshwater Mollusca in Narmada River, Jabalpur Region, Madhya Pradesh: An Overview


  • Rita Bhandari
  • Jayshree Sharma


Narmada River, Taxonomy, Mollusca, Diversity, Central India


The communication enumerates a review on freshwater Mollusca and also states biodiversity and conservational approaches. Works on freshwater mollusca around the world and river Narmada in M.P. have been surveyed and analyzed to identify the problems related to taxonomy. An opportunistic survey shows the systematic account of mollusca, their diversity in world, India, Madhya Pradesh and Jabalpur. This review shows that freshwater mollusca biodiversity indices are mainly associated with patterns of changing environmental features. The relative contribution of these groups is to decompose organic matter in rivers. Mollusca communities possess many attributes as biological indicators of spatial and temporal environmental changes.


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