
  • Amit Sharmaa*, Anand Mahalwara, Jhamman Chandrashekhar Sahub, D. S. Rathore a Suresh Gyan Vihar University, Rajasthan, INDIA. bRoyal College of Pharmacy, Raipur, INDIA


In this article author developed and characterized floating microspheres of Eudragit S100 loaded with Clarithromycin drug on it. For developing microspheres different process variables were optimized. Optimum surfactant concentration was found to be 0.75 % w/v, optimum stirring speed was found to be 400 rpm, optimum temperature was found to be 370C. Particle size was determined by ocular micrometer and average particle size was found to be less than 2 µm. floating microspheres resulted in sustained and prolonged release of drug in the GIT fluids. It was found that more than 80 % of entrapped drug was released in 24 hours.


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