
  • Dr. Saurabh RamBihari Dr. Prateek Saurabh,Dr. Jegadeesh Professor & Head, Department of Community Medicine, Shri Sathya Sai Medical College & Research Institute, Kancheepuram


From a researcher’s point of view, it is quite difficult to ascertain which of the available journals is a good one to consider for publication of their research work? What are the quality indices? How to enhance the international reach of the article? Both crude and scientific indicators are available to evaluate the journal quality, and often a combination of both provides a comprehensive picture. Different scientifically proven indicators have been employed by various journals to assess the quality of a journal, such as Impact factor, Eigenfactor Score, Article Influence Score, SCImago Journal Rank Indicator, H-index, Index Copernicus Value, Immediacy Index, etc. Each of these indices has some positive aspects and at the same time some associated limitations. In conclusion, in order to assist the researchers to make them an informed decision about selecting an appropriate and a good quality journal, so that their precious work does not get unrecognized, it is must that researchers should primarily ascertain the quality of the journal and then only submit their research work.


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