
  • Dr. Vimmi Behal, Dr. Anil Shivani Neelu Verma Govt. College Kalapipal (M.P.) ABVHV, Bhopal (M.P.) Govt. Women Poly. College


The media strand of the Teacher Status Project examined the portrayal and definitions of teachers and education in the mass media, with a view to establishing the role played by the media in the creation of public definitions and understanding of teachers and the teaching profession. Focusing on analysis of media coverage and media professionals, the media study aims to show: the dominant images/definitions of the teaching profession portrayed in the media

and changes in such definitions during the last decade; the values, characteristics, status, challenges and rewards associated with teaching and emphasised in media reporting; who the key organisations, individuals and public political figures contributing to the public definition of the teaching profession are; and the roles and practices of journalists and other media professionals in the creation and communication of public definitions of teachers.


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