Super Ordinate Constructs in The Serpent and the Rope


  • Dr. Kiran Arora (Principal) PCM S.D. College for Women, Jalandhar.


Super Ordinate constructs in literature help the artist in eliciting, ordering and evaluating the inner structure of a culture. A work of art, on surface may appear to have nothing significant beyond the portrayal of contemporary world, but on a closer scrutiny, yield supernatural elements. Since actions of people in both ancient and modern times have basic similarities, the introduction of myth facilitates the portrayal of both the words. In the modern world, threatened by anarchy, this mode becomes all the more essential in order to exert control over things. The artist must convey a sense of multiplicity of his age, but he can only do so by imposing on it some sort of order and form. This order and control can be brought about by super ordinate elements.


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