A Study On Financial Inclusion And Mgnregp


  • Dr. H.H. Ramesha Associate Professor, Visvesvaraya Technological University, Centre for Post Graduate Studies, Bangalure-560018, Karnataka, India.


Financial Inclusion is the availability of banking services at an affordable cost to disadvantaged and low income groups. In India the basic concept of financial inclusion is having a saving or current account with any bank. In reality it includes loans, insurance and much more. The first ever Index of Financial Inclusion to find out the extent   of   reach   of   banking   services   among   100 countries, India has been ranked 50.  Only 34% of Indian individuals have access to or receive banking services. In order to increase this number the Reserve Bank of India and the Government of India take innovative steps. One of the reasons for opening new branches of Regional Rural Banks was to make sure that the banking service is accessible to the poor. With the directive from the RBI, our banks are now offering “No Frill” Accounts to low income groups.  These accounts either have a low minimum or nil balance with the same restriction in transactions. The individual bank has the authority to decide whether the account should have zero or minimum balance. The Indian Government has a long history of working to expand financial inclusion.  Nationalization of the major private sector banks in 1969 and in 1981 was a big step. In 1975 GOI established RRBs with the same aim. It encouraged the expansion of bank branches especially in rural areas.


Microfinance India - State of the Sector 2011.

Microfinance India, State of the Sector 2011, Chapter 9: Financial Inclusion – march to the banks.

Financial Inclusion, A road India needs to travel Article by Dr. K.C. Chakrabarty, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of India.

Bhatty, Kiran (2006), Employment Guarantee and Child Rights´, Economic & Political Weekly. Nregs.nic.in







