Nutritional Status Of Preschool Children


  • Samiha Tiwari Food and Nutrition Department, M.H. Home science and Science College, Jabalpur (M.P.),India


Child malnutrition is a wide spread public health problem having international consequences because good nutrition is an essential determinant for their well-being. The most neglected form of human deprivation is malnutrition, particularly among preschool children. India is one of the few countries in the world where poor nutritional status among preschool children is detrimental to their health outcome. Nutritional status indicators like wasting, stunting, low birth weights, breast feed availability and vitamin A deficiency are also still high in India compared to the USA and China. Child malnutrition reflects a number of intermediary processes such as household access to food, access to health services and caring practices. This study attempts to compare the pattern of growth of Indian children as assessed by weight for age, height for age and BMI for age with the WHO standards for growth (2006) and to explore the implications of differences in undernutrition rates in the 0-59 months of age group as assessed by these three indices. The aim of this paper to assess the nutrional status of preschoolers.


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